April 2021 Issue: It’s All About… Collaboration

It's All About... Collaboration

Welcome to the end of April: time flies when you're having fun!

This month's newsletter brings you opportunities to, and highlights the importance of, sharing and collaboration.

The YA are continuing to work hard behind the scenes to achieve our goal of creating an active and engaged community of young people engaged in New Zealand and China. We're always looking for more ideas, so if you have any: please share them with us!


Our first round of YA Connect 2021 is opening soon, providing an opportunity for members to gain specific insights from experts in the NZ-China space.

YA Connect links YA members with industry expert (advisors), for a one-off content-specific meeting. Traditional 'mentorships' are often time consuming and based on networking, while in contrast YA Connect offers members time with an expert to learn in-depth about specific fields.

YA Connect enables participants with an enduring interest in the NZ-China relationship to connect with experts in the NZ-China space, and gain valuable insights regarding business, culture and language. In our application process we gain an understanding of your interests, drive and direction connecting to China and New Zealand, and aim to connect you with an advisor in your desired field. The purpose is to gain understanding via a one-off meeting with a matched advisor who may otherwise be inaccessible.

Make sure you're a YA member to apply for the next round of YA Connect! The opening date for applications is the 3rd of May (this Monday)!

#2. Business Desk: Fresh Insight From NZ's Foreign Affairs Ministry

Last week New Zealand foreign policy made headlines due to a thought provoking speech by Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta at a New Zealand China Council event.

In her speech, the first specifically on China in her role, the Minister highlighted the importance of a good relationship with China. She discussed the New Zealand Government's value-based approach to foreign trade and policy and highlighted important aspects of the NZ-China relationship. The Minister describes the bilateral relationship as the Dragon (China) and the Taniwha (NZ) where she connects the two cultures with shared values, including respect for each other, adaptability to the changing world environment, resilience, and an intention to build for future generations.

Watch the full speech here or read about it here.

#3. Culture Desk - #StopAsianHate Marches

On the 27th of March, protestors gathered in Auckland and participated in the #StopAsianHate Marches. These Marches protested and raised awareness of the increasing racism and racial attacks worldwide.

In our past editions, we have touched on the rise of racism towards Asian-New Zealanders  since COVID-19 started, and want to again raise the importance of calling out racism, leading by example, and educating those around you.

Portia Mao highlights in her article her findings on the divide between first-generation immigrants and following generations within the Chinese-New Zealand community on how these issues are perceived. Compared to their parents, the second and following generations of Chinese immigrants seem better equipped to speak up against racism. Second generations brought up in New Zealand, in a relatively democratic and progressive environment, have a stronger sense of individual and group rights, and are more empowered to speak up against racism.

We hope that with more movements like this, more light will be shed on the underlying racial issues that occur in Aotearoa, and result in the ultimate eradication of discrimination and racism.

#4. Sister Cities

A recent conversation among YA Committee members revealed that Sister Cities is not a widely known about phenomenon! We're here to help 🙂

Sister Cities is about establishing of friendships between two 'sister' cities to stimulate interaction between people of different cultures and countries, on a people-to-people basis. A recent Asian Media Centre article focuses on the role of Sister Cities for New Zealand's wine industry, and other interesting findings from the recent annual Sister Cities New Zealand conference.

Did you know that Wellington's Chinese sister cities are Beijing and Xiamen? Christchurch has Wuhan and Gansu, while  Auckland has Guangzhou, Qingdao and Ningbo. Dunedin's Chinese sister city is Shanghai, Nelson has Huangshi, and Rotorua's are Wuzhong Distrixt and Xuyi Country in Jiangsu.

Have a piece you’d like us to feature or share? Or an idea/opportunity you would like us to offer? Do you have general questions/comments? Let us know through our socials below!If you’re reading this as a forwarded email, hello! Subscribe here.

Enjoy the newsletter and want more content like this? Become a NZCTA YA member here and get member discounts and special offers to all our events!

Editors: Sonja, Nick, Doris and Allan

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are the sole opinion of the NZCTA Young Associates and do not represent the opinions of the wider New Zealand China Trade Association or any of its executive committee.

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